Hilt Ventures

Buying and selling cryptocurrencies online can be confusing and frustrating. Inexperienced consumers face high transaction costs and are subject to all manner of fraud. Hilt built a national network of 130 ATMs that allow anyone to use cash to buy or sell established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum in the real world.

Ars Datum was brought in during the ideation phase to deeply research ATM hardware and software platforms and make recommendations. Ars Datum’s auditing included on site visits to review physical and software security. Once a manufacturer was selected and the ATMs were purchased, Ars Datum customized the OEM software, including front-end UI and backend accounting systems. Ars Datum then deployed the first 20 ATM units in the field across Las Vegas. As Hilt’s footprint grew nationally, Ars Datum developed extensive reporting tools to track and optimize profitability by location.